Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Rest in peices...

Today I had to destroy one of my favorite lego creations for the LOTR contest I'm entering. The M4 carbine... The creation that stood on my desk foe 6 months... But it was fun to destroy. xD 
Finally, one creation I get to have fun destroying. Take that Shmeebo! >:D       :P

Here's the vid.

It was fun to have while it lasted, but even more fun to destroy! :)  When I told my little sister Nora that I destroyed the gun, she went hysterical. The sobbed for 20 minutes! I didn't know she liked the gun that much... :P   I'm nearly finished with my LOTR build. I'll post pics soon!

Regollin the chinchilla addicted to interlocking peices of plastic...   O_o

Chinchilla goes to the zoo!

The first time I've been to the zoo in 5 years! I took over 150 pictures :P  Here's a few.

Sorry the pics are small. I has computer trouble, so I had to copy and paste em'. But you can arrange them cool! :D

God's creation is amazing... Thank you Father for giving us these amazing animals!
So, how are you guys doing? What are your hilights of the summer?

God bless!